Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Get Happy. Get Your Plunge On.

I turned on The Today Show several weeks ago and caught a fascinating story. According to Dr. Nancy Snyderman’s report, happiness is contagious. It’s like a virus that can spread to friends, and even friends of friends.

Imagine that – something positive like happiness can actually be “spread” like a cold. I smiled to myself while watching it.

And then it hit me. For years (and even in the very first installment of this blog) we have scratched our heads and wondered why the MSP Polar Bear Plunge works, why it has continued to grow, and why it has become such a tradition for so many thousands of people. But now I know, and it’s really very simple. It makes people happy. I hear the snickers – but it’s profoundly simple – this event and the people it attracts are EXACTLY what this piece was referencing.

And that happiness is caught by their friends, who decide that they too want to be a part of the fun. And then the friends of those friends get in on the act. This event has caused a veritable epidemic of happiness that last year alone directly affecting 10,000 participants. Of course, the real number is much higher because the joy that they felt certainly rubbed off on their friends, and friends of friends. There just might be no end to this happy flu!

What is really cool about this is that it’s backed up with facts. I encourage you to read for yourself the full article that appeared on MSNBC.com that morning. In there you’ll see facts like this one: every happy person in your social network increases your own chance of cheer by 9 percent. Even better is this one: the effects of catching someone else’s happiness last up to ONE YEAR. (Source: British Medical Journal)

This quote from the article resonated with me. “Happiness is a social emotion. It’s an emotion that we derive from social events, and very typically it becomes important for cementing the social connections we have with others,” said Jack Dovidio, a Yale University social psychologist who was not involved in the study. “Happiness is not simply about me.”

I don’t think I need to tell anyone who Plunges that happiness is bigger than just themselves. You already know that because you are doing this for the world’s happiest charity – Special Olympics Maryland. If you want unconditional happiness and sheer unadulterated joy, hang out with a Special Olympics athlete for the day. You’ll quickly understand that while these folks are labeled “disabled” they have wonderful abilities that many of us do not – including the ability to find good cheer and a smile.

But now…now, you have proof that participating in the Plunge is not just good for you – it’s good for your friends and family members. Doing something that makes you happy, will also make them happy. In fact, having a great time at Plungapalooza for just one day, could spread cheer to your social network that could last them a full year. We’ve been saying for years that the cold is temporary but the positive effects of jumping into the Bay last a lifetime for the athletes it benefits – well here is proof that in your own circles that cold deed will bring a full twelve months of joy.

Turning on the TV to this very happy story last week was a great piece of luck for me – something that in and of itself made me smile. And let’s face it – right now, we could all use something to smile about. These are tough times we are in, and no one can say when it’s going to end. I don’t for one minute mean to insensitively imply that participating in the Plunge is some magic potion for someone who has lost his or her job due to the economy, or is struggling to make ends meet. We are heartbroken to hear that anyone within this larger Plunge community has been negatively affected by the state of affairs in this country right now. We are also overwhelmed by the generosity that so many people have shown to date, despite the economic turmoil that rules the day.

What I am saying is that I finally understand why this event is what it is. It’s a tradition, and it’s for a good cause, and it’s a rite of passage, and people do it on a dare. Yes, all of those things remain true. But really, it just makes people happy. We are proud to run the world’s largest open air wellness clinic!

I know this for a fact, because I caught the bug from each and every one of you. Our athletes are blessed by your smiles. Plunge on…

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